staff members
Martin Groenewegen ; head of the A&A department, stellar evolution: AGB stars; stellar variability: classical and Type-II Cepheids; projects: MESS, STARLAB, VMC
Ronny Blomme ; massive stars, Gaia-project
Mikola Britavskiy ; evolution of massive stars
Peter De Cat ; asteroseismology, BINA and LOK-projects
Yves Frémat ; rotation and chemical composition of A- and B-type stars, Gaia and HERMES-projects
Nadiya Gorlova ; massive stars with unusual properties
Tom Henry ; doctoral student , on AGB-stars at low metalicities ; JWST data
Anatoliy Ivantsov ; digitization-project
Hilde Langenaken ; Scientific information Services, Archives and Library
Alex Lobel ; quantitative spectroscopy, BRASS-project
Thibault Merle ; FedTWin researcher, influence of binary stars on stellar and galactic evolution
Laurent Mahy ; massive stars
René Oudmaijer ; Head of Scientific information Services ; stellar evolution and binaries
Joan Vandekerckhove ; technical expert ; digitization project
Griet Van de Steene ; stellar evolution: planetary nebulae, MolPlan-project
Patricia Lampens ; Volunteer
Thierry Pauwels ; Volunteer
Peter van Hoof ; Volunteer