Latest Published Papers

COBRaS: The e-MERLIN 21 cm Legacy survey of Cygnus OB2

Morford, J. C.Fenech, D. M.Prinja, R. K.Blomme, R.Yates, J. A.;  Drake, J. J.Eyres, S. P. S.Richards, A. M. S.; et al

May 2020

On the signature of a 70-solar-mass black hole in LB-1

Abdul-Masih, M.Banyard, G.Bodensteiner, J.Bordier, E.Bowman, D. M.Dsilva, K.Fabry, M.Hawcroft, C.;... ;Van Winckel, H.Vermeylen, L.Sana, H.

April 2020

The VMC Survey. XXXVII. Pulsation periods of dust-enshrouded AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds

Groenewegen, M. A. T.Nanni, A.Cioni, M. -R. L.Girardi, Grijs, R.Ivanov, V. D.Marconi, M.; et al.

April 2020

Characterization of M-stars in the LMC in the JWST era

Marini, E.;  Dell'Agli, F.Di Criscienzo, M.García-Hernández, D. A.Ventura, P.Groenewegen, M. A. T.Mattsson, L.Kamath, D.Puccetti, S.Tailo, M.Villaver, E.

April 2020

The Gaia-ESO Survey: detection and characterisation of single-line spectroscopic binaries

Merle, T.Van der Swaelmen, M.Van Eck, S.;  Jorissen, A.Jackson, R. J.Traven, G.Zwitter, T.Pourbaix, D.Klutsch, A.Sacco, G.Blomme, R.;  et al.

March 2020

Improved physical properties of the quadruple sub-system with the eclipsing binary QZ Carinae

Mayer, P.Harmanec, P.Zasche, P.Catalan-Hurtado, R.Barlow, B. N.Frémat, Y.; et al.

March 2020

Rotation and spots in normal A and Am/Fm stars

Trust, O.Jurua, E.De Cat, P.Joshi, S.

March 2020

Astrometric Results for Observations of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites During Mutual Occultations and Eclipses in 2009 and 2014-2015

Emel'yanov, N. V.Arlot, J. -E.Zhang, X. L.Bradshaw, J.De Cat, P.Han, X. L.Ivantsov, A.Jindra, J.Maigurova, N.Manek, J.Pauwels, T.Pomazan, A.Vingerhoets, P.

February 2020

Be and Bn stars: Balmer discontinuity and stellar-class relationship

Cochetti, Y. R.Zorec, J.Cidale, L. S.Arias, M. L.Aidelman, Y.Torres, A. F.Frémat, Y.Granada, A.

February 2020
